New and Improved Note-Taking for the Modern Era

We all know how difficult it is to follow along with a professor who speaks a mile a minute, never even taking a breath. Now try to write down every important thing that he or she says; nearly impossible, right? However, with innovations in note-taking and organization, being left dazed and confused in class (or in your daily life) is a thing of the past! From Evernote to OneNote, the ways of note-taking and organization are being revolutionized! My professor took us through the in's and out's of both of these innovative installations, and now I am going to share that insight with all of you!

For starters, Evernote is more of an outdated application, but it is still helpful to understand that this tool was once the peak of digital note-taking. This application allowed/allows you to have different "notebooks" with separate "notes" in each, according to "How to use Evernote to organize your life." To go further into detail, the application organizes your notes for you. For instance, you can have a notebook specifically for a class, and then even further organize the notes in that specific notebook. Also, if you want to have a notebook for recipes that your mom shared with you, that is easily available by just creating another notebook! In addition to the organization aspect, you can add attachments, like pictures, links, etc. to really enhance the information in your notes. This amplifies your studying, the information your notebook can hold, and enhances your organization. This tool is very imperative to a student, a CEO, or even an everyday adult trying to organize his/her life, deeming it almost a necessity in the modern era.

However, the way the future seems to be going is with the application OneNote, which is powered by Microsoft. This application is like Evernote on steroids, and it is revolutionizing the way that the average human perceives note-taking, and organization as a whole. According to "14 Microsoft OneNote Tips & Tricks," this installation, that has always come with the Microsoft Office purchase, "is a terrific way to create a grocery list, take notes in class, and keep your life organized." Clearly, it doesn't sound much different than Evernote, right? Well, the updates that are being done to OneNote are what is making Evernote more obsolete. Also, it already comes with a Microsoft Office download, making it even more prominent that Evernote.

OneNote set-up

All in all, which one is better for you? Of course, both options offer pretty much the same thing, but which application would you prefer? In Joel Lee's article "Evernote vs. OneNote: Which Note-Taking App is Better for You?" Because both systems have the same goal in mind, it only comes down to a few differences that will decide which is better for you.

Evernote set-up

First of all, the appearance and layout of an app is critical in the using of it. If you cannot understand, or even just don't like, how an application is set up, it is likely that you will not use it. Both Evernote and OneNote have different layouts, so whichever one you prefer would be beneficial to your note taking style. Another aspect to consider is how the online version of the app works in contrast with the application itself. There are a lot of different aspects to consider. Personally, I prefer OneNote, but Evernote users would defend their note-taking preference until the end of time.

In addition to learned about these awesome and innovative ways of note-taking, this week's reading of Chapter 6 in LOL...OMG! really opened my eyes about my online reputation. There is always an appropriate thing to post, and monitoring your personal social media accounts is a great way to make sure that your profile stays squeaky clean. It is not only critical for your future in a career one day, but also just to the people that follow you. Posting offensive and crude things that degrade others is just as bad as posting a picture of you with a beer can in your hand. It is always important to take into consideration the thoughts of not only future employers, but the people that simply follow your page. There should always be that (sometimes annoying) voice in your head asking "should I really post this?" because in the end, that little voice might save you from getting into a heap of trouble one day.

Thank you so much for reading the input I have on digital note-taking! Hope you all decide to give it a try one day!



  1. Love this article! Very well written ! I wrote about the difference between OneNote and Evernote as well, I totally agree that one program is not evidently better than the other, it all depends on who is using it !
    -Sydney Coutts


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