Last Hoorah

Well, folks... here we are! My last required blog post. Over the time spent in this course, I have really valued being able to express all of the amazing information that I have learned. From social media awareness to websites and apps that enhance our everyday life, this class has really done a number on my online knowledge and presence.

To begin, I learned to understand and value the power that is Twitter. It was a requirement to make a professional Twitter account in order to connect with those in the field with which we wanted to eventually be in (mine being psychology), and it really opened my eyes to the way Twitter has revolutionized the career world. I was able to interact with those in my field, as well as get insight and daily news about psychology, all with this simple social media app! Without my professional Twitter, I really would not be aware of all that we were capable of.

Another really cool part about this class was the interactive lessons that we were able to take part of. One of my favorites was when we learned all about augmented reality and its power in the world. While many of the apps are geared towards the fun and innovative side of the internet, they were really packed full of information and ways of learning. Our professor, Kyle Calderwood, was fortunate enough to have a lot of the materials to show us some apps, like Zookazam and Elements 4D (like mentioned in one of my previous blogs). I love interactive apps, so that lesson was super informative, but also entertaining!

I also really enjoyed the App Smackdowns that we participated in. Not only did I get to research apps for my own personal major, I was able to take note of all of the other apps that are available to me outside of my field of study. For example, there is a communications major in our class and one of her apps was Instapaper. It is a news app that you can see real live action news that is happening in the hear and now, mainly via Instagram! It was a really interesting way of gathering information, and it was really interesting that even though I am not a communications major, this app is something that I can use in my every day life!

The only downside I found with this class were the readings that we had to do. I found them to be quite repetitive, while still full of helpful information. I understand the importance of always having clean social media accounts (especially with the project that we completed), but was it necessary to have almost every chapter about that same theme? There are only so many ways to write "don't post that on Facebook" in a book. Although it was very repetitive, it was always a little reminder to have  a professional and age appropriate social media account.

All in all, I really enjoyed my time in this class. I learned a lot of valuable tips in keeping my social media accounts squeaky clean, I realized that my online presence is critical in finding my next career, and I downloaded some really cool apps along the way! I just want to thank all of my readers for coming along on this journey with me!



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