Twitter Takeover

Hi all! My name is Olivia Stragapede, and I am a freshman this year at Stockton. I am majoring in Psychology, but I plan to double major with English as well. I plan to one day open my own psychologist's office, as well as publish a few books. I am experienced in English, considering I am an award-winning writer, as well as taking both AP Language and Composition and AP Literature and Composition. I am still learning in psychology, but no one is perfect. From this course, I plan to gain valuable information in how to better my social media presence in a professional manner.

When reading Chapter one of lol...OMG!, my eyes were really opened up. I mean, of course I knew all about how I can never truly "delete something," but it was still interesting to read about how so many students my age are still posting things on social media, to later regret it when they're sobered up. I also found it fascinating how the Internet is like a college student, just like me and the rest of the hundreds of thousands of college students. The Internet is still relatively new (about 18-21 years old, just like the average college student), so just like we, as college students, make mistakes, so does the Internet. It is also growing and developing, much like college students do every day, whether it be meeting new people and making connections, or learning something new in an 8:30 a.m. class. This chapter showcased the upside of the Internet and how it has had a positive impact on the way students learn, as well as its dangers if one is not careful with what he/she posts. Just as we are growing into our own beings, so is the Internet; we must be careful, considerate, and collectively aware!
Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network 
(opening quote of Chapter One)
An article that I found particularly interesting was the Twitter lists post entitled: "Utilizing Twitter Lists." In this article, it explains how easily it is to follow as many people as you want, avoiding a cluttered newsfeed, and still see all of the information you want! According to the Twitter Help Center, a Twitter list is "a curated group of Twitter accounts." This simply means that if you want to know all about a certain area of study/information, you can join a list and have a mock newsfeed of only the info that you want to see! What I took from this is that your follower count does not have to dictate what you want to see at any given moment! For instance, say you are a HUGE music buff, and want to see the latest album reviews for a particular band. Instead of scrolling through your entire newsfeed, you can easily search for a list about that album! Twitter is slowly becoming an excellent gateway for your source of information, and it's clearly having a positive impact on the way everyone sees information.

An example of how to search for a Twitter list
To branch off on the idea about how Twitter is really being integrated into the world around us, the article entitled "Newport school using e-learning via Twitter" caught my attention right away. Because of the always-advancing technological age we are in, it is crucial to stay on top with the latest trends and new gadgets. So, for this Welsh school, e-learning is just the beginning of a new era of learning. By utilizing Twitter and all of the different outlets from it, students are not only able to receive new information about topics they are studying, but they can also connect and network with others who are learning and researching the same thing! Not only is it useful in middle and high school learning environments, but also in higher education! It is found that those studying for their bachelor's, master's, etc. would greatly benefit from using Twitter as a basis of gathering information because of the variety of sources! It can lead to great blog findings, allowing one to really expand his/her knowledge. 

To close, here are some mindful tips to keep in mind when blogging, according to the "I Can Build a Blog" website's post: "Create a Blogger Blog." The article entails how to set up your very own Blogger blog, as well as some links to help you maximize your blog's creativity and personal flare. One of the other tutorial blogs mentioned how to make your Blogger menu FLOAT! Not only does this add a certain unique style on one's blog, it introduces them to a plethora of other options that Blogger offers when designing a blog page. It becomes fun when picking out the specifics of your blog, so always make sure it is your own!



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